1st Year Collection - Newborn, 6 Month and 1 Year Portraits

Written by Jenn:

I’m going to get a bit sappy in this post! You have been warned!

For me, family photography is not just about photographing one session. A few months ago, I photographed this little lady’s 1 Year portraits. It was the final session in a LSP 1st Year Collection.

Through her first year, I captured her newborn photos, 6 month and 1 Year portraits. But we captured so much more then that!

We captured the joy in her parents’ eyes (maybe slightly sleep deprived) during the newborn session and her teeny tiny little fingers.


At 6 months, Auntie and Grandma came along (more on these special ladies later)


And at 1 year, we captured all of the milestones, standing up, ALL of those teeth and that big smile!

These authentic expressions and captured moments are the result of a relationship between photographer (me) and client (this AMAZING family!). This relationship is my most treasured tool. I could be using the most expensive camera, with the most elaborate lighting but if I can not create a relationship with my subject, I am not going to capture photographs that my clients will love. With this little lady, I have a had a lot of practice!

Here is a photo of her Mom and Dad on their wedding day! I captured this in 2015.


It has been a happy accident that my big city photo studio has turned into something that feels very similar to my Dad’s small town photo studio. In a small town, the relationships you build with your clients are the top priority because your clients are your community. I like to think Logan Square Photo is a lot like that.

Not only have I photographed one wedding with this family but also Auntie’s!


I can not even imagine a post about this family without including one of my favorite family moments!


When I look back at the moments I have been able to capture for this family, I feel truly blessed to be a photographer.


I’m not crying, you’re crying!